Hello Again

When I started this blog, I had a goal to keep at it for at least a year. But soon after I got things setup here I made a huge decision that would alter my career path, which prompted me to pause for a few months during the summer. I got started again after my last day at Sensu in early September, but then I disappeared again in November. However, the past three months have been incredibly exciting!

OK, so I haven’t blogged since mid-November, but in the 13 weeks that have passed I launched two websites, wrote five blog posts, and shipped an app for the iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

Here’s just a few highlights of my winter.

  • November: started a new company (completed Delaware C Corp formation). 🏢
  • December: launched the company website and blogged about it. 🚀
  • January: wrote a lot of code and quietly launched a product website. ⚡️
  • February: found a nice beach club to hang out at (vacation in Mexico). 🏝️
  • Last week: launched my first ever app on the App Store, and blogged about it! 📈

OK, so I haven’t blogged here since mid-November, but in the 13 weeks that have passed I launched two websites, wrote five blog posts, and shipped an app for the iPhone, iPad, and Mac. And I still managed to take nine days off for a trip to Mexico!

I found a nice bar with a decent view.
I found a nice bar with a decent view.

Oh and the same day we launched we reached the App Store Charts as the #3 paid productivity app on iPhone, and the #8 paid app overall on Mac. 🤯 I hope you’ll check them out!

I also never stopped jotting down notes to blog about, so I have quite a backlog of words to get out of my head. Like this one1, and this one2. 😅

  1. I told myself this would NOT become a tech review blog, and I remain committed to that statement. I suspect I will make an occassional exception to the rule to highlight features of certain gadgets that I can’t find in any of the professional reviewers’ reviews. ↩︎

  2. as you can see, I remain committed to keep it pretty casual around here. 😊 ↩︎